Never Surrender is in Cyber Book Shops

November 20th 2015

A month ago, 20th October, 2015, my debut novel Never Surrender was released into cyber book shops. It was so exciting. I was a guest on blogs, as either myself or my character Maggie.  My first guest spot on a blog was with Renee from  Hey said Renee. I actually met Renee is Darwin Australia, at the book shelves in Target. It was a lovely meeting. I smiled, she smiled, we said Hi and started chatting books. I think she must have been the first person, who wasn't family or a crit partner, who I actually told I had a book coming out. Her reply to that, "I'm a blogger. I laughed, it goes to show, you never know who you're going to bump into at the book shelves. I gave her my card, and she contacted me, and the rest, as they say, is history.  Renee has made it easier for me to tell people that I'm a published author. Honestly, whenever I say that, I shiver. 

Launch week was fun and different. I ran a rafflecopter competition, which was another first. I talked with people I didn't know, I was involved in a facebook launch with Veronica Forand, who's book,True Deceptions,  was released  the same day as, Never Surrender. It was nerve wracking, seeing as I couldn't get anything I loaded to go onto the page. but, the readers were kind and I bluffed my way through. 

I've had a lot of people behind me, who have helped get Never Surrender out there. Without them, I would have been totally clueless. A big thanks to the Entangled Publicity Angels for all their support and encouragement. 

For all of you who have purchased Never Surrender, many thanks, I appreciate you choosing to spend your hard earned money and I hope your enjoyed reading Maggie and Quinn's story as much as I enjoyed writing it. For anyone who would like to buy a copy, go to, itunes, Barnes & Noble, Amazon uk.  What has been enjoyable is hearing from some readers who have told me they loved knowing the places I mention in my book. South East Queensland Australia, is a beautiful place and made the researching easy.

Thanks for your support and remember, 

Live to write, write to live.

Ciao Rosie. xx